Admission Open for the Session 2024-25

78th Independence Day Celebration

"Great results are attained only by great patience, great courage and great attempts."

Saluting the generations of people who valiantly fought for the freedom of our Nation. Today VKV Sivasagar celebrated the 78th Independence Day to pay tribute to those great personalities. A few students of our Vidyalaya brought charm to this celebration with their melodious songs and their valuable words. Here we are sharing the glimpse of today's celebration...

Samvardhan Program for the Achievers in JEE/CEE 2024.

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards it's achievement. Here a glimpse of the Samvardhan Program organised by Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Sivasagar felicitating Passed out-Students by Dr Pratim Sharma( Principal of Sivasagar Girls College), Dr Prakash Kotoky( Rtd. Principal of Sivasagar College) along with our Vidyalaya Management Committee members for their achievement in CEE & JEE examination. We offer our best wishes and prayers for their bright future ahead.

ABL Workshop for Parents

ABL Workshop for Parents was organised on 29th June 2024. The purpose of this workshop was to aware parents about ABL methodology.

World Environment Day, 2024

Let's protect our environment today so that future generations can enjoy it as well. Keeping this in mind today VKV Sivasagar celebrated World Environment Day. Various activities like Colouring, Best out of Waste, Poster Making competition were conducted among the students of Classes I to VIII. Students of Class X planted a few saplings in the School Campus with a motto to reduce Waste. Here the glimpses of today's celebration...

Felicitation programme for the school toppers of Class X CBSE Board Examination 2024

"Great results are attained only by great patience, great courage and great attempts" by Swami Vivekananda 

As we all know appreciation is the best motivator so to motivate our students VKV Sivasagar organized a felicitation programme for the school toppers of Class X CBSE Board Examination. Here are a few snapshots of this felicitation programme...

Three Days Personality Development Camp for ClassVII

"We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves."- Swami Vivekananda To develop the confidence, self determination, and to lead a successful life, VKV SIVASAGAR organized a Personality Development Camp for three days for the students of class VII. The camp was introduced by Pranjal Sarma. He spoke about developing our personality through education. The programme started by lighting the lamp by Adaraneeya Reboti Devi, Joint Secretary VKSPV Guwahati.  She took a session on the topic " Swami Vivekananda's life and message in personality development" and highlighted the thoughts and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. All together 35 students attended and participated Baudhik satra, krida, Agya abhyas, geet abhyas, Manthan etc.