"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe." VKV Sivasagar inaugurated its classroom block contributed by Dr.Sonal Mansingh, MP (Rajya Sabha) on 30.08.2022. To grace the inaugural ceremony Honourable guests- Shri Topon Kumar Gogoi, MP, Jorhat constituency, Shri Mayur Borgohain, President, BJP, Sivasagar, Dr.Prakash Kotoky, vibhag pramukh, VK jorhat-sivasagar vibhag, Dr.kunjalata Deori, Sri Ravindranath Savdekar, RAO, Tonmoy Saikia, Vice-President, BJP, Sivasagar were present. The guests were welcome by our students with traditional Gayan- bayan alongwith colourful cultural programs. The guests appreciated the way VKV Sivasagar is working towards the all round development of the students. Glimpses of the inaugural ceremony:
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